Easy Step-by-step method on how-to apply eyeliner seen on celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Halle Berry, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and others. Read Part 1 : How To apply liquid eyeliner-1."
Part 2 offers in-depth strategies of just how to apply liquid or foiled eyeliner in-between the eyelashes for the dramatic results used by celebrity makeup artists.
Loose powder and cake eyeliners are easier to apply than premade liquid eyeliners. Using a mixing medium or water allows the eyeliner to be formulated to the correct consistency without having to worry about product migrating onto the eyeball itself.
The makeup brush of choice for powder and cake eyeliners will be an angled or straight edge eyebrow, concealer, or eyeliner brush. Taklon makeup brushes have stiff bristles, perfect for mixing and applying liner between the eyelashes.
The eye shadow foil mixing method is shown in Part 2 of “Mineral Makeup 101: Apply mineral eye shadow like a pro.” The foil eye shadow mixing method is the same as used for pressed or powder eyeliner.
To touch base on the eye liner or shadow foil application method:1. Find a small container for mixing the mineral eye liner or any makeup loose powder eye shadow in. The sifter jar lids that mineral makeup products come in are the perfect container.
2. Tap a small amount of eye shadow powder into mixing container. Less than 1/16 of a teaspoon will work correctly.
3. Drop a pea sized amount of mixing medium or water into eye shadow powder and stir well.
4. Using a stiff taklon eyebrow, liner, or concealer makeup brush, blend the two ingredients together until a soft paste is formed.
The foil liquid eye liner should have a slight paste consistency.
Using the same makeup brush used for mixing draw a straight line on back of hand. If the line draws smoothly without grabbing the liquid eye liner formulation is accurate.2. Tap a small amount of eye shadow powder into mixing container. Less than 1/16 of a teaspoon will work correctly.
3. Drop a pea sized amount of mixing medium or water into eye shadow powder and stir well.
4. Using a stiff taklon eyebrow, liner, or concealer makeup brush, blend the two ingredients together until a soft paste is formed.
The foil liquid eye liner should have a slight paste consistency.
The foil eyeliner application method is the hardest of all liner methods, but once perfected it will be the eyeliner method of choice.
When applying the foiled liquid eye liner it is easy to become discouraged and quit, but don’t. It’s really not as hard as it may sound, and it’s well worth learning.
Steps to applying the foil liquid eye liner:
1. Application begins at the middle of clean lash line working each application outward. All eye shadow and mascara will be applied after eye liner.
2. Dip desired makeup brush into paste/liquid eye liner and wipe off excess on mixing container edges. Too much product will transfer into the eyeball; though can be cleaned up easily with pointed cotton swab.
3. One inch from outer eye between lashes and eye brow, take a flat pinky finger and press gently up and outwards toward face edge. This allows for the eyelash line to be completely viewable and stiff so eye liner can reach designated areas. See Figure 1
2. Dip desired makeup brush into paste/liquid eye liner and wipe off excess on mixing container edges. Too much product will transfer into the eyeball; though can be cleaned up easily with pointed cotton swab.
3. One inch from outer eye between lashes and eye brow, take a flat pinky finger and press gently up and outwards toward face edge. This allows for the eyelash line to be completely viewable and stiff so eye liner can reach designated areas. See Figure 1
4. With a stiff taklon flat tip makeup brush, the same used for mixing, gently set brush tips flat against lash line and wiggle in a back and forth motion. Wiggling the eyeliner brush slightly allows contact in-between lashes as well as on lash line itself. See Figure 2
Divide outer green lash line area in thirds, apply brush, wiggle color, repeat.
5. Using the wiggle method apply to each area of upper lash line individually. There is not a need to continue to reapply liquid liner to makeup brush. The amount of liquid liner on brush should allow two or three application transfers.
6. After applying the foiled aka liquid eye liner to the outer half of lash line work product from middle towards inner eye corner stopping before the area known as the lacrimal sac. Never apply any eye makeup within this region as it can block the ducts.
6. After applying the foiled aka liquid eye liner to the outer half of lash line work product from middle towards inner eye corner stopping before the area known as the lacrimal sac. Never apply any eye makeup within this region as it can block the ducts.
7. When the complete upper lash area has been lined, use an angled side of the same makeup application brush to smooth over entire area.
8. Use a clean pointed cotton swab dipped in water if necessary to remove any eye liner mistakes.
Cake eyeliner used with a mixing medium or water applied can also be used for the in-between lashes eye liner method.