
Mineral makeup brands social blogging turns bad

As mineral makeup companies strive to produce higher profits, many are now social blogging on websites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube (or YouBube as some now call it).  When blogging launched as a fun way to write personal information on blogs, businesses saw this as a new way to market their products.
Most mineral makeup company owners have struggled to keep their company in the black with todays slow US economic market.   However, not all mineral makeup company owners seem ethical when it comes to makeup review sites, forums, or social blog postings.
Selling mineral makeup is a cut-throat industry since the FDA cosmetics and toiletries division passed new laws for natural cosmetic companies.  Some mineral makeup and natural cosmetics brand will be closing their doors due to manufacturing practices and financial hardship.
Social blogging in the mineral makeup brand industry reached a new low recently as people looking to cause others grief and gossip found Twitter and Facebook stalking fun, and YouTube video slaying a great past time at others expense.  YouTube, full of its wonderful video technology showed everyday-consumers posting video scripts on how to apply mineral foundation, eye shadow, blush etc. 
The problem with some of these "how to apply mineral makeup" videos is many camera operators grabbed any mineral makeup brand products and applied them for viewers.  Some videos have not been approved by individual mineral makeup company owners, a definate downfall to a companies marketing program.  Not all the mineral makeup videos are hard to watch; some are great at offering useful information to consumers.
Then it happened!  We watched, or had shared with us the worst social media mineral makeup how-to blunder.  YouTube showed a video of two gals making a mockery out of the bareMinerals TV infomercial.  The distasteful video in question (video has been removed) revealed 4 well known mineral makeup brands products being applied with raw meat on nude images, etc.(Nude logo mineral makeup should not be confused with U2 Singer Bono’s wife’s company Nude Brands Ltd.)
Informative reviews, blogs, and news on mineral makeup brands are all over the internet.  It’s important to treat all this cosmetic information with caution so the reader can discern fiction from fact.
The most effective means of finding the mineral makeup foundation or other mineral cosmetic products is to contact the mineral makeup brand via their website.  Most makeup company owners will be more than happy to speak with any consumer in regards to specific products.  Mineral makeup company websites usually contain references on “how to apply mineral foundation makeup” and other mineral makeup products linked to and in site maps.
Social blogging can be fun and it is a great opportunity for mineral makeup company owners to talk about their products.  Locate a favorite mineral makeup blog and add the RSS feed to the favorite column for daily updates.
Blogging is a great tool for consumers as well as businesses.  It adds specific information to the world wide web on every topic, including mineral makeup brands.
Nude Brands Ltd. lost a court judgment recently over the launch of L’Oreal’s brand Stella McCartneys perfume STELLANUDE. Stella McCartney is a fashion designer and daughter of Sir Paul McCartney of the Beatles.

