We know that makeup brush is purely a kind of manual work, so besides the material, the brush quality totally depends on the workers’ craft. Even we have the best material for our makeup brusehs, if the craft is bad, the brushes will look very ugly and low grade. In another word, skillful and professional workers are the key of a makeup brush factory.
However, due to the market environment and special situation, the workers turnover are very frequent in most chinese makeup brush factories. The common situation is: the makeup brush factory pays much to train new workers, but after they are more and more skillful, some workers will leave the factory to find another job not in makeup brush industry. This situation is more common in small makeup brush factory who can not pay enough salary to workers.
Since the makeup brush quality depends on workers’ skill, the frequent turnover greatly affects the brush quality. If a factory is always trainning the new staff and let them to make the brushes, the factory will lose all orders sooner or later.
The new workers do not know how to mound or cut the hairs, so they are not able to make required bristle shape; they do not know how to skillfuly insert the bristles into ferrules, so some bristles will be exposed outside; they do not know how to connect the ferrule and handle properly, so the joint of ferrule and handle will have gap, glue or burs, or even expose some bristles and dirts, some workers even displace the ferruel and handle. No matter how great the material is, the bad craft will ruin the whole brushes.
To save cost and some other reasons, some small factories let the new staff to learn by doing, but it is very rediculous and foolish to have new workers to join the mass production. They will ruin the whole production and even worse will lose the customers’ orders forever due to the bad quality. Eevn worse, some small factiries do not have inspection process, so they send all brushes made by all new workers without any inspection to customers. Such action is just like a suicide, finally there will be no customers for them.
The workers turnover is a common situation in this field, it is hard to avoid this by ourselves. But we should try our best to aviod its affect to brush quality. We should not let the new workers join the mass production until they are skillful enough. Even if we let them join the production due to the urgent lead time, we should have strict inspection process on all makeup brushes.
Quality is the life of a factory, for makeup brush industry, workers skill is the life of a makeup brush factory.