Having been doing business with international customers for so many years, we know that most customers will have their Christmas holiday this week. While due to the production arrangement, some shipments need to be sent during this period
However, many of our customers are distributors who are not the end users and need to send the brushes to their own customers. If we send the shipments to them during their holiday, as the forwarder will not be on duty at that time, they will not be able to stay in their office to check the shipments, and also not be able to send the shipments to their customers. If we hold the shipments until their back to office, it will not be allowed for some urgent orders.
To solve such problem, we can directly send the shipments to customers’ client, as there is no Christmas holiday in China , everything works well for us. In this case, no transshipment of the makeup brushes, so it will save a lot of time. However, some customers may worry that it will reveal their clients information, and their clients will directly contact us in future.
As a professional and reliable makeup brush manufacturers for so many years, we always have our own principle and regulations. We know the importance of business rules. If we break such rule, it will bring unaffordable lost to us even if we may get small and temporary profits from the breaking. Therefore, we will never try to snatch customers from our customers. If customers still can not relax, we can note our customers as the shipper in the waybill. Therefore, their client will not know the shipment come from us.
Whatever, we just want to try our best to offer the best service to all customers. Everything depend on customers’ requirements.