We all know that a success business needs cooperation of buyer and seller, both of them need to work together to handle everything happened during business and achieve win-win situation.
While some buyers or customers have no such idea, they believe they are superior to sellers since they are the one who pay the money. Even at the very beginning, buyers and sellers have not reach any agreement and buyers have not paid any money, they still think they are in the higher grade than the sellers.
We often meet such customers during business. For example, we send emails to a customer to promote our makeup brushes; the customer shows interests to the makeup brushes and would like to get some samples. As a makeup brush supplier and manufacturer, it is ok for us to offer some existing samples to customers with no charge, but we require customers to afford the shipping charge of samples. We believe it is fair, both of buyer and seller should take some responsibility during the cooperation establishment.
While, some customers do not think so, per their understanding, since the sellers want to win business from them, the sellers should undertake all potential risks and should not require customers to take any responsibility!
We do not know why they have such ideas. It is true that we would like to get business opportunity from them, but it is the opportunity for both sides. If can establish cooperation, the makeup brush manufacturer can really get more business, but the buyers can also get a better supplier with low price or better quality. Both sides will get profits from success cooperation. Therefore the buyers and sellers are equal during cooperation or initial cooperation establishment.
As the makeup brush manufacturers and suppliers, we should not have such ideas that customers are superior to us! At any situation, we need to hold our mutual benefit cooperation principles. If our sample policy is we offer free samples but customers afford shipping charge, then strictly keep such policy during cooperation, no matter how famous or strong. We believe any good and reasonable customer will understand and agree such policy.
Be neither humble nor arrogant, but equal.