We understand that all customers will try to buy products in lowest price no matter of what products or what quantity. Therefore to win more customers we always offer the best price we can offer. However, many customers always complain that our price is higher than other makeup brush suppliers, and require better price.
Having been in the makeup brush industry for about 10 years, we are very familiar about this industry and the margin. With such low price, there are only two possibilities: the makeup brush factory wishes no margin, or the material is not good. I believe no people will wish no profit for his business, if possible, everyone must hope more profits from each business. So it just leaves one possibility: worse material.
These days, we find that some makeup brush factory in Yiwu always offer customers much lower price than us, we are very puzzled, as we have quoted our best price, but the price offered by Yiwu factory is almost half of our price. To solve the puzzle, we bought some samples from a Yiwu factory. After getting the samples, we understand why their price is so low. They use bad material, the pony hair is scrambled, obvious dust and hairs falling down if touch the bristle; the ferrule is dark, with obvious mark, dents and some hairs , and the handle not well connected to the ferrule……That is why their price is so low!
It is a rule that what price what goods, so if you plan to custom makeup brush from a makeup brush manufacturer, it is better to ask for samples and visit their factory first, so that you can buy cost-effective brushes. Anyway, if price is the only case to determine your order and purchase, that is also ok.