
Makeup Brush Handles

The makeup brush handles are designed with specific types and techniques of painting in mind. The brush handle must be balanced properly to be comfortable to hold & manipulate and at the same time it must also be strong to withstand pressure. Many scholastic and mass-produced handles are made from hard woods for these reasons. Handle styles directly relate to the brushes particular tasks, such as sash, panel, etc. Handles today are made of strong structural material that resists water and solvents.
Traditionally, manufacturers have provided artists with two lengths and tapers of makeup brush handles. Short-handled brushes are the choice when makeup for ourselves; Long-handled brushes are usually used when makeup for others
Types of Handles
Artist-type handle are made of seasoned hardwood, lathe shaped and properly balanced to give the most comfortable grip. The pores of the wood are sealed and several coats of lacquer are applied to give the handle a polished high gloss finish.
Taped handles are made of seasoned hardwood dowels and tapered both ends; they are either finely sanded plain wood or finished with several coats of varnish or enamel. Some makeup brushes have molded, plastic handles instead of wood.

