I know many women, and even those of the male population, would love to hug and kiss the inventor of makeup. Who wouldn’t love the way makeup makes you feel, how it makes you look? More than just projecting the most beautiful you, I feel that makeup empowers you and gives you the confidence to shine.
Now even though makeup has been used in one way or another for millennia, makeup as we know it today really got its foundation from one man. He is often referred to as the ‘father of modern makeup’. He came from humble beginnings to evolve into a renowned and well loved icon within the industry. He was intimately associated with the making up of many Hollywood actresses and in fact, gave them their signature looks and created makeup specifically for them. He also coined the word ‘makeup’. His name was Max Factor.
Born Maximilian Faktorowicz, his parents could not afford to send him to a formal educational institute due to their other commitments to his nine siblings; instead Max was put under the tutelage of a pharmacist. He was supposed to learn how to appreciate the wonders of medicine. Instead he became enamoured with mixing potions for cosmetics. This was the start of his dabbling with ingredients to create producrs that was the genesis of modern makeup.
His knowledge of chemical interactions led him to craft by hand rouges, creams, perfumes and wigs. He opened up his first shop in Moscow where he was visited by a travelling company of performers. They wore his makeup and accessories on stage when they performed for the Russian aristocrats and Max’s reputation grew. So pleased were the high classes with the performance of the products, that Max Faktor was appointed the official cosmetic connoisseur of the royal family as well as the Imperial Russian Grand Opera.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Max Faktor moved with his family to the United States as his career was given the opportunity to grow so that he could sell his products at the 1904 World Fair. Around this time, his name was changed to Factor during the immigration process. His popularity in this new country was off to a rocket start and many Hollywood celebrities were clamouring to use products from Factor’s line. This precipitated his production of movie quality makeup, pancake makeup, to be used successfully on screen. This new formula was the most realistic as well as it resisted cracking, fading or caking as other products on the market at that time were prone to do.
In the 1920s, Max Factor opened up a whole line of cosmetics to be used by the public and is still respected for his role in the evolution of movie makeup today.
This man has been named the inventor of many makeup products: lip gloss, pancake foundation, pan stick foundation and waterproof formulas. With such great vision, creativity and drive, there is no wonder that Max Factor is unanimously known today as the inventor of modern makeup.