One of the most important things to have amongst your many makeup items is something to maintain all of them. For your makeup brushes you will need some type of makeup brush cleaner. It is not much use if your expensive brushes are getting gunked up over time because you are not cleaning them.
Not cleaning them not only affects the performance of your makeup brush but it lets bacteria and germs stay and thrive on your brushes. This can be cause for concern later as use on skin can cause infections and transfer diseases from the bacteria. This is where a makeup brush cleaner comes in.
Generally, a makeup brush cleaner is a liquid consisting of various chemicals that will thoroughly clean your brush without damaging it. You can use various ways of cleaning the brushes on your own with homemade products, but these are not always good for your brushes, they can damage them long term and eventually make them useless if not using the correct products. Keep it simple with hand soaps and shampoo and do not soak the entire brush, only the bristles.
When using a makeup brush cleaner there are a few ways you can do it.
One way is to spray both sides with the cleaner. Then take a paper towel and clean the brush. This is accomplished by wrapping the paper towel around the brush and squeezing. Be gentle so you don’t pull out the hairs if your brush. Then pull gently to wipe off the brushes. This is good for a quick cleaning for before and after use of the brush.
If you have a liquid that isn’t a spray, you can poor the cleaner into the paper towel and wrap that around your brush using the same technique to clean. Soak the brush with the paper towel and then wipe away the excess.
If you need to do a thorough clean of a dirty brush, you will need a little more effort.
First you will want to wet the makeup brush with water, then get an anti bacterial soap or even shampoo and lightly wash the brush with it. Then gently rinse off the brush. Repeat this process as needed till the brush looks clean. It is important to try and not get too much water on the base of the brush and only the bristles as you can do harm to it.
Once finished, shake out the brush and then reshape it appropriately. After that, lay it out on a paper towel so it can dry out overnight.
If you have a full set of brushes and want to clean them thoroughly. Try this:
Fill a large container or your sink with warm water. Mix in some of your soap and or shampoo into the water. Then swirl the bristles of your brush around in the water enough to get the makeup to come off. Then rinse off the bristles under a faucet till soap is gone, repeat until all makeup removed. Do this with all your brushes until your finished and them lay them out overnight to dry. Do not try to force dry them with anything. They will just need to dry themselves. Only shake them out and dab the excess, the rest is best left to drying on a paper towel overnight, this will help from damaging or pulling out bristles if your trying to dry them faster by hand.
Remember to use makeup brush cleaner regularly in order to keep them from getting extremely dirty. If you do this you will not have to do a thorough cleaning as much.