Makeup brushes are a very important and needed item for anyone who wears makeup on a day to day basis. It is a good idea to invest in a quality brush to get there very best results when applying and touching up your makeup. One thing you may not know are there differences between each kind of hair in a brush. What makes one better than the other for a particular task? If these are questions you ask than read on!
Now the hair of the brush is not the only factor in a good makeup brush. The construction of a brush consists of 3 main parts, the Handle, the Hair and the Ferrule. For those unfamiliar, the ferrule is the metal piece that binds the hair and the handle together. These are usually made of brass, copper, aluminum and nickel, all of these being durable metals.
Synthetic Makeup Brush – When dealing with makeup brush hair types, synthetic is usually discussed the most. The materials are often a synthetic nylon material that is generally much less expensive than natural animal hair. It is less absorbent than natural hair which is great in the way that it will not waste as much as a natural hair makeup brush. The con of a synthetic brush is they are not as durable and long lasting as a natural brush, many of them have a trend of becoming stiffer as time goes on.
Pony Hair Makeup Brush – A very common hair in makeup brushes such as cheek, powder, and contour brushes. This style is great for blending as they pony hair does not come to a point. There are different levels of softness depending on the horse and the location that the hair was removed. Such as the belly hair of a horse is softer than a brush made from the mane.
Goat Hair Makeup Brushes – Goat hair is a very common element in many brushes as it is generally the coarsest hair found in a makeup brush. It is very effective when applying powder as it will pick up more. It can be great for blending and buffing makeup. Best part is it will last longer than synthetic hair and get softer with use as opposed to a synthetic that gets stiffer over time.
Sable Hair Makeup Brushes – Sable is very popular as it is the most durable brush as well as being incredibly soft. With proper care they can last a lifetime and are well worth their price. There are a few levels of quality when it comes to sable. Kolinsky is the highest, red sable is in the middle and then there is just plain sable. These brushes are very resilient and are known for keeping their shape even after several uses. Sable hair are long and come to a fine point, generally very thick in the middle allowing a conical shape.
Squirrel Hair Makeup Brushes – It is known as the softest natural hair available in makeup brushes. It is thin, fine, and durable as well as consisting of a thick belly and a fine tip. These features give the brush a defining cone like shape. They are not from the typical backyard squirrel but from a long haired squirrel which makes these rare and popular. They are great for blending heavy pigment such as eye shadow brushes. It is important to note that since they can be pricey that some brushes are mixed with other types of hair so it is recommended to read the fine print before committing to a squirrel makeup brush.
Badger Hair Makeup Brushes – Badger hair is very firm and makes for a great fan brush, eyebrow brush and bronzer brush. Like a sable hair, the badger hair is thicker at the base and gets thinner near the tip. Even though it is very firm it also has a flexible quality to it. As always, keeping the brush clean is very important and will determine the lifespan of the brush.
As always it comes down to preference, if you are not particular and just want something affordable, your entire line of brushes can consist of synthetic brushes and you will be just fine. But, if you get the chance to invest in a fine natural hair makeup brush, you might find out you quite enjoy them.