Its so easy to overlook. We see a pretty set of makeup brushes at a great price—maybe at the pharmacy, the superstore, makeup brush suppliers or makeup brush factory- and we buy them. But as animal lovers, we must be more careful. Most of these makeup brushes, though very cheap, extract a much greater price in terms of creature suffering. We need to be as vigilant about our makeup brush purchases as we are about our cosmetics.
What Not to Buy
When you purchase makeup brushes that have no specific labeling to the contrary, chances are the brushes are made at least partly from animal fur. So rule number one is: Unless they are from a makeup brush manufacturer you trust, dont buy makeup brushes that arent labeled as cruelty-free, vegan, or 100% synthetic.
Where to Buy Vegan Brushes
As a reliable makeup brushes manufacturer and supplier you can trust, we promise that no animals are hurted during the manufacturing of our makeup brushes