Occasionally, we may meet some customers who are always suspicious and cautious to our product quality and our credibility. Sometimes, they can not believe the product quality is good at low price; sometimes, they think you are not a makeup brush factory but just a SOHO….They usually think most Chinese makeup brush suppliers or most Chinese suppliers are cheater.
We are often asked to offer our business license, it is reasonable for international business. However, we once were required to offer our sales’ ID card and other personal information, although it is very unusual, we have to meet such requirement to win customers’ trust.
Sometimes, customers send us some brush samples and would like us to copy the brushes. While their brush samples have some quality problem, as a professional makeup brush manufacturer, we will improve on such problem and then send the better samples for customers’ confirmation. However, few customers insist that we change to worse material even if they have seen and feel the quality improvement. For example, we use better goat hair material which is softer and better than original samples at the same price, but the customers suspect that we mix some synthetic hair. Although we have explained the material difference, they just can not believe us and insist that they would the same material as their samples. It is no problem for us to change to the original material, but we really can not understand why customers prefer worse material. Also, sometimes, customers send us samples made by other makeup brush manufacturers, and we find the logos on each brush are in different directions. It is really unusual and improper for makeup brushes or any product, then we suggest customers to revise this, but our suggestion is not approved.
Of course, most customers trust us very much, especially the frequent customers. They would like to get suggestion from us and will be very grateful once they realize that our brush quality is better than their original samples. Just few new customers are somewhat suspicious to new suppliers.
We know it is our fault if we can not get customers’ trust. As a makeup brush manufacturer, we will always try our best to win customers’ trust with better service and better quality.