
Sleever partnered with Léonard to offer a new solution to customise makeup brushes

The French supplier of the shrink sleeve label solutions for primary packaging has joined forces with Léonard, a reference for high-end makeup brushes, to offer a simple and stylish customization service to beauty brands.

An invisible film that can be customised at will

Leonard asked for a design that would fit the shape of the product so that the seal and the end of the sleeve would not be visible to the consumer.

The technical and marketing benefits of the Sleeve label applied to the brushes are used to personalize the colours, effects or textures. Our technology brought the fineness of decoration desired by the brand so that the consumer does not distinguish the top or the bottom of the sleeve,” said Sleever.

To illustrate the potential of the technology, Sleever and Léonard have showcased at the last MakeUp in Paris show a limited edition dubbed Marinière, taking inspiration from the traditional and iconic white and navy blue stripes of the French Navy.

New sensorial effect

At MakeUp in ParisSleever also unveiled MattVelvet, a material offering a new sensorial effect. To the sight and to the touch, MattVelvet is closer to paper while retaining the advantages of plastic in terms of decoration and resistance.

